Saturday 14 October 2023

This blog thing. Will it become a habit?

 So weird to be doing this again after so many years.

Anyway, a new poem. That's also weird, after so many years.

I have

a degree in zoology

that part's real, btw

BSc zool spec

the spec is specialisation, in that

I couldn't be bothered with

the extra effort that meant oral defence


an honours degree

even though I took the honours courses

and was on the Dean's list

I thought it was stupid.


Wednesday 4 October 2023

Hello, blog

 It's been a long time, obviously.

My life has gone in a lot of ways. This might be the way to place it. And yeah, I have a topic in mind. Christianity, believe it or not.

I feel like I can tell, finally, why I am not a Christian.

Here we go.

As a Child, I was. No question. My mother was an English Church person who had relocated to the United Church because of some local... thing. I still don't know what.

I grew up, 70s, in a church that believed in (the inevitable) folk music. I was also in choir, by a teacher in a similar church, and sang in many theatrical things. "It's Cool In The Furnace" is one of the weirder ones. Look it up.

My mother switched back to the Anglican church when whatever offended her stopped. Should have been a sign.

By a little over 12, I was told I was going to catechism classes. I went.

By 12, however, I had READ. Had asked why, so many times.

And now you will make excuses, but I only asked why.

My faith was depending on it, and I got the answer, Because.


Because; that's all.

Because was the perfect answer. 

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