Showing posts with label solicited ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solicited ramblings. Show all posts

Saturday, 17 April 2010

As if you needed further proof that I got nothin'

Two days in a row, yet. Well I guess we could just sit here, staring at each other. It loses something like this, though, doesn't it. For example, you can't tell if I'm sticking my tongue out at you or if I'm making odd faces to make you laugh .... and stop that. This is my normal face.

I could let you in on a little well-used phrase around the new homestead. Please do keep in mind that on occasion I've been fairly good at understatement.

The Friday before we moved into the house, we visited the folks we purchased from. Actually they were kindly giving us a few sets of keys rather than have all those lawyers and real estate people mess up moving day which was to be the following Monday. Nothing worse than doing things "properly", after all.

Anyyyyyyway, it was about 120 degrees in the shade that day, it being the 27th of August, and Mrs' comment as we stepped out on to the pool deck was: "that's one of the great things I'll miss .... you'll find there's always a breeze". To be clear, her understatement of "breeze" equals mine of saying I get a bit "cranky" if I'm around the human race with any regularity.
I have a feeling I should have used "constancy" there so she who owns the place won't burst her aorta trying to not make a joke there.

Breeze. Different things to different people, I've come to learn. Breeze here means we could erect wind turbines and keep everyone down the road happy for the year with nary a hydro bill in sight. Breeze here means a newspaper doesn't get set down on the table outside, while you go to the kitchen to refill your morning hit of caffeine. I'm not sure I'd leave a small child untethered out there. Maybe a small child ON the newspaper with a bungee cord involved somehow....

Well you get the drift. And so do we, for - say it with me - there is always a breeze.

Friday, 16 April 2010

So, how does this go again?

"So if you want to...", she said.

"But I have absolutely nothing new in my life, nothing to talk about", I replied. "I LIVE IN THE COUNTRY NOW!!"

"Errrrr, you've noticed the NAME of the blog over the past few years, right?", she admonished.

So here we are then - at least you and me. She, being the owner of this space, is off somewhere doing something or the other ... so she said.

I fear she has plunked me down here, metaphorically speaking, just to prove to you that my brain is empty. Oh, look! A bird! It was a grey and misty/foggy day .... no, seriously. It was. But he's a pretty bird ..... squawwwwwk! A pretty bird!

Um, yeh. I did mention not much is happening on a daily basis now that I live in the COUNTRY?! Nope, not much at all. No traffic. No smog. No noise. No stress from dealing with idiots on the roads, in the shops, walking the pups. It is precisely the way my life was meant to be lived all along, I suspect.

I even know already that after the pups are over the rainbow bridge, there will be cats in my life again and I will finally fulfill my destiny of being known as "oh you know who I mean - that odd woman up the road with the house full of cats" .... as opposed to the phrase "cat house" being used in a sentence referring to moi. That would be just wrong. Or, you know, certainly by then it would just be wrong.

And yes, I DID try to see if I could make the labels for this post longer than the post itself. Thank you for noticing!

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Was going to say pointless ... but it's neither here nor there

And so here I sit with absolutely nothing (shut up) on my mind; that could primarily be that it took a bit of effort to shake my cellphone to get this photo from it on to the hard drive of the computer to upload it to ... oh, you get the drift.
The preceding paragraph was meant to be in English but since it turned out the way it did, I can wait a second while you go back and take another shot at making sense of it.

Okay, ready? And .... five, six, seven, eight ....

Thinking back, kids, you can put one and one together and figure out how this useless photo rounds out yesterday's bordering-on-the-insane rantings of the owner of this place.

All said with the appropriate amount of respect and affection. Yes, sir, the measured and appropriate amount.

The funny thing is that if you stare at the sky portion long enough, you can ever so faintly hear "manamanah ....." and swear a little green guy is skipping over the hill.
To those paying attention, yes, that was a mixed reference and if it caused you a sense of unease - well, my job here is done. Life ain't fair you know and the sooner you learn that ... oh, sorry. Forgot where I was for a moment.

Okay. Seriously? Neither of us uses any substance that makes us go wobbly - well, nothing illegal anyhow and this blog is still what you get. Yet you keep coming back. Hmm, yet we keep coming back.

Well isn't life funny sometimes.

As to the labels on the post, well I just wanted to set some kind of record today. I guess the Olympics are getting to me. They're going on now, right?

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Yes, yes I do have a couple of them

Well, at least that's one of two over there to your left.

As you can see, the Duchess goes through things rather than jog a little (as in move off) to the side to go around stationary obstacles. Of course, to say this dog jogs for anything at all would be a stretch. Oh, she might pick up the pace a little if you offer her a treat from a distance which, yes, we still do in training mode.

For the most part, though, she takes her name all too seriously and thinks moving quickly beneath her.

The photo, by the way, is a WYSIWYG offering. It was one of those lovely late afternoons of Fall, though, when a person could remain in denial that lousy weather slowly approacheth.

And why is it, anyway, do you think that a pup is smart enough to just follow a straight line to carry on when people make things so difficult and over-think things. I've never heard one of the Labs mull over the merits of moving this way or that to get to the other side.

Maybe this post is proving a point then, in comparing the human and the canine.

And I could tell you what that thought of comparison is ... but then you'd be staring at a pumpkin and I'd have no place for musing about the ramblings of mankind - including this.
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