Monday 6 July 2015

So what shall we have?

My two fans have, I know, two favourite topics on this blog: what rocks I've been wearing lately, and spiders. I now have pointless (or maybe not-entirely-pointless) photos for both topics, so what'll it be?

That's right; it's spiders! Actually, that's only because I need to keep the blather portion of this short today since I wasted so much time editing (and, erm, checking twitter). More actual blather tomorrow, probably, but for now let's meet Salticus scenicus, the Zebra Jumping Spider. I'm a big fan of Jumping Spiders in general, so finding this little one on the house just as I was heading in was a lucky thing for me. Before the photos, here's a bit more information on the spider itself.

Ok, done reading? Let's have a look at her:

These spiders are tiny. The edge you see at the top is the vinyl siding.

Jumping Spiders see very well for spiders. It can make photo-taking tricky.

For example, at one point she somersaulted. I had no idea until I looked at the shot.

I don't think she saw me any better after that, but worth the try?

One more look with the siding edge included.

I have to say that I was fairly impressed that the lens was able to get these images on a very sunny day (never ideal, of course). Yeah, I've cleaned them up a bit, but nowadays what digital picture isn't played with? I didn't have to do too much, and there was no colour correction at all. Nicely done, camera.

I bet you can't wait for the rocks now, huh. You'll have to, though. I've been down here far too long.

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