Wednesday 9 October 2013

Drinkable yoghurt

Today's pointless photo? Not drinkable yoghurt. I'll take a picture of that tomorrow, if you like.

Or probably not.

Hey, I'm a bit tired here. I set up the planetarium in less than twenty minutes first thing this morning. I usually like to give myself about forty-five, so... sweaty, yeah.

You needed to know that. And you need to know about the fact that I decided to take my purple pigeon skull out and play with it for a bit meant that I found a note underneath in my handwriting that says 5014 6 am. No idea what it's about or how long it's been there.

Anyway. I was going to say something about my lunch for some reason or other, wasn't I?

Um. I guess I was. I got distracted for a bit there. Work stuff.

Drinkable yoghurt, then. I had some for lunch today, along with a leftover rice dish from last night and a mandarin orange. I usually have at least one mandarin orange a day, but not so much the drinkable yoghurt.

It's kind of useless, don't you think?

I'm a regular yoghurt eater (and it makes me laugh that the big fashionable thing now is so-called Greek style yoghurt. I've bought Greek or Balkan style yoghurt for years, since I don't have much use for thin yoghurt. And now all of a sudden it's cool. Ah well, at least that means no more going to the specialty cooler like I used to have to do to find it). For whatever reason -- and I'm still not sure why -- when I went to pick up my usual yoghurt a couple of days ago at the store I got drinkable yoghurt instead. It must have been on sale or something. Whatever it was, I had a whatthehell moment and bought the little bottles instead of the little tubs. A weird thing to do, since I've only had drinkable yoghurt one or two times before this.

It's kind of useless, don't you think?

It's not yoghurt, for one thing. It's cream and fruit puree and a whack load of bacteria. It doesn't taste like yoghurt. It supposedly acts like yoghurt in your system, but I guess we'll see about that. And there's not enough of it in the bottle to be remotely satisfying.

Just my opinion, of course. It just seemed odd for an adult-aimed brand to be the size (and taste) of a smoothie for toddlers.

Oh well. At least it took the edge off the the hotter-than-I'd-remembered pepperoni that was in with the rice. Along with other things, of course. Rice and pepperoni alone doesn't exactly make for a supper.

And I have no idea why I'm telling you this anyway, so I'll just get back to work now.

If that's all right with you.

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