Tuesday 4 November 2014

Ah, technology

Today, Bad Cat is not scratching no really not scratching honestly not scratching...

Seriously, though, it's ok if he scratches there. If you look closely you'll see that it's an extra carpet square put over the actual carpet. I can't remember why it was put there originally, but our old cats used it as a scratching pad and if these cats choose to do it as well it saves the real carpet.

Tom's actually decent at using scratching pads, I'll admit. It's Bob that you catch trying to decorate every scratchable item in the house.

He just acts innocent, you know.


As I generally say, this'll be short because I have to do work etc. etc. I just wanted to mention that today and Thursday some of us are sitting in on an online interpretation conference. It's been interesting so far and has led to some good staff discussion, but it... well, it just seems a little weird to me. These things always do, really. Let's get everyone into the staff room, throw the computer feed up onto the big screen, and spend a while listening to someone talk while we stare at a powerpoint slideshow. This particular one also has a chat box so that you can ask questions or comment as things go, but still. Everyone walking past the room is hearing a voice and seeing us staring at the screen and apparently not doing anything. Doesn't that strike anyone else as weird?

Probably just me.

I have to admit, though, that it makes me almost miss the days of actually going to conferences. Yeah, there was always the hassle of getting there and the hassle of accommodations and (for me, at least) the hassle of not sleeping... wait, what did I miss, again? Oh, socialisation, I suppose. I'm not exactly a social butterfly, but even a person like me got a chance to make connections when conferences were physical rather than virtual.

Ah well. At least I'll get to sleep (or not sleep) in my own bed tonight.

I guess that's something.

Later, all.

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