Sunday 5 April 2015

Pointless photos

Otherwise known as I really haven't thought of a topic yet today. Maybe later. For now, though, shall we tour some pointless photography?


They don't seem to care. They're cats.
The first crocuses are up. Dad says that they were open most of the week, but of course not for me. They might be now that it's warmed up a bit. I'll check.
 We had a lovely little mini snowstorm yesterday, but much of it is melted. Snow = bad; melting snow = interesting patterns for Yours Nerdily.
 The skim of ice on the fish pond made some interesting shapes. To me, at least. To the rest of you this is probably a WTF shot.

I don't really mind, to be honest. I like WTF shots.

The last picture is just more melting snow (I appreciate more melting snow), but since the blog editor's being stubborn and won't let me move the cursor there (and I'm too lazy to move to the html editor today to fix that), I'll just leave it be and end with a quick tea review. Yesterday I made some Cocoa Canela to take along on the drive here to Dad's. This is... well, it's pretty much hot chocolate with cinnamon and plenty of caffeine. In fact, if I'd put some milk in it would have been hot chocolate with cinnamon and plenty of caffeine.

I can't say that I have a problem with that.

Here's your last pointless photo. Everyone knows that you can click on them to make them bigger, right?

Well, you do now.

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