Thursday 12 May 2016


This is what's going on at work at the moment. Day-old chicks that will eventually go to the historic site that we run out of this office. They're cute, noisy, and chickens.

I'm not a fan, really.

Oh, I get the whole urban chicken movement, and as long as you only have a couple I'm sure that it's fine. I grew up down the hill from a commercial chicken operation, though. We called it a hatchery, but I think it was a pullet farm. At any rate, my memories of chickens are the exciting smells of the neighbourhood when they opened the barn doors on hot days to air things out.

Yep. You can keep your cute little chicks, friends.
This other thing is just a bit of silliness from a pointless but fun app called Magic Fluids. I'll let you look it up for yourselves, if you're interested. The only reason that I kept this particular iteration is that it looked vaguely space-ish. If you squint right, maybe. Anyway, it's fun and harmless and that's kind of my thing at the moment.

Say it with me now: back to work for me.

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