Thursday 11 July 2013

Probably nothing

The rose has nothing to do with anything, as usual.

To be honest, I'm having one of those got nothing days. It probably doesn't help that I'm tired, although I'm not going to claim sleeplessness today (for a change). My apartment was awfully damned hot last night, though, so I can't help but think that the sleep I did get was probably of the restless sort.

Ah, my stupid hot apartment. I haven't complained about you recently, have I? The complaint is short, really, so maybe that'll work as a blather on a day when I'm just not feeling it.

My apartment. Bachelor suite. Ugly gold 70s carpet that they'll probably replace within seconds of my moving out (I look longingly at the from-this-century carpets I see through the occasionally open doors of the actually renovated suites). South-facing, which is fantastic for my plants but hell for me. There's not really any season when it's cool, you see. In the summer it gets the general summer heat, and in the winter when the sun's lower the whole thing acts like a greenhouse. A greenhouse that you have no option of cooling down, because opening the window in the winter can freeze the heating pipes (which bang and thump all winter long, I might add). My view? The loading dock of a hotel. They start deliveries early, so even when I do sleep I don't need an alarm clock.

My apartment, which was running at about 30C last night when I went to bed. It had gone down to 26C by the time I left for work, however. That counts as livable, right?

So why do I stay in this place that at one time had a crack den in the apartment directly below mine? This place where one of my neighbours killed herself because the police were after her, and another jumped off his balcony (only third floor, thank goodness) one night because the voices told him to. Why in Whomever's name would I be choosing to live so long in a place like that?

It's cheap.

Yep, that's about it.

Oh, and it's a lot nicer than it was now that the crack den's been cleaned out.

And my plants like it.

And inertia.

And it's cheap.

Going back to work now.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

Not good enough reasons. I say, you hate change. Has nothing to do with the price. I thrive on change. If I live somewhere too long I get restless. That's why we travel in an RV around the country. Cheaper than selling and buying. Right now I am working up to another trip to England and Paris. Want to show my daughter Paris before I die. (not that I expect to anytime soon. But you never know. No one is guaranteed tomorrow)

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