Thursday 20 February 2014

Absolutely and completely pointless photo of the day. Of the month, probably, even.

Kind of tired of the winter crap on my nerdstick (definitely tired of the winter crap outside) and you haven't had a desk shot for a while, so here it is:

Hand (featuring rolling ring -- yes, THE rolling ring -- and wool sweater because it's cold in here today), work programming schedule, lanyard, Galileo thermometer, beaver (it was donated, for some reason. Now it's just my paperweight), scrap paper, phone (bet you got that part), phone book that'll likely never be opened, tea mug that I have a tendency to call my sippy cup, work mug that I use for water, very patriotic infuser, and some other junk that is probably of no interest whatsoever. No that the rest of it was, but...

Yep. My desk is terribly exciting.

Sorry about that pause just there that you didn't actually know about because you're reading this after the fact. I had to see why our twitter feed went berserk. Apparently Canada was playing hockey or something?

Just kidding. Congrats, ladies. You (as opposed to the did-I-mention-overpaid men) I can give a flying rat's bum about.

Anyway (yeah, we're already at anyway), I need to cut this short because I'm having one of those work days where work is happening but none of it's mine. I guess I should try to get to that, then.

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