Wednesday 25 March 2015

Posting? What's that?

Yeah, I've been pretty quiet this past... what? month? year? Whichever.

The reason? Stuff. Sorry, that's the best I've got. Just recently? Busy, not in the mood, busy, not around, buggered up knee, busy... I could go on, but it doesn't mean anything if you weren't there, I suppose.

The knee was just last week, however. Managed to take a fall in my own apartment (don't even ask) and landed hard with a twist. For a couple of days I hobbled around the place pretty sure that I'd torn something, but now it's acting more like just a sprain. It made yesterday's three hour programming fest out at a school interesting, though. First of all, the classrooms were on the second floor. Yeah, even just getting there was interesting. The kids were great, at least, so that makes up for a lot.

This is all you're getting today, I'm afraid. I really do need to get back to work. Besides, Louis Armstrong's playing Frankie and Johnny, and there's chair dancing to be done.

Um, gingerly (as opposed to astairely). It'd be just like me to re-twist my knee doing a stupid chair dance. Ah well, at least it would be exercise.


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