Sunday 29 March 2015

Turkey brothers, assuming that you didn't see them enough yesterday

Today's going to be mostly photos, since I have something else I want to get done this morning besides blogging. You had enough words for a week from me yesterday, anyway.

Here's Tom being spoiled by my hand. He can be a bit of a sap when he's not being a turkey.

They're being turkeys right now, by the way. They're playing some sort of game that involves running in the room and around my feet. I'm not sure of the rules, but if they don't watch out they're going to have a referee anyway.

Do you remember me telling you about Bob's thing for damp face cloths? It hasn't stopped. Earlier this morning he presented the one from the upstairs bathroom to me. Down here. In the basement. At the computer.


Now, just for fun, let's have a little cat bed retrospective:

20 September 2014
4 October 2014
24 October 2014
23 December 2014
Yesterday (28 March 2015)

And aren't they sweet?

Yeah, they'll fool you. They're still obviously close, though. And partners in trouble. I think they'll be good cats, but right now they're still in the I look like a cat but my brain is still a kitten phase. That can be destructive when you're as solid as these guys. You can't tell from the pictures, of course, but these two have the deceptively muscular build that makes you think twice when you pick them up.

That's enough turkey for now, I think. There may possibly be something on the other blog later this morning if I can get anything to go. We'll see.

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