Saturday 15 September 2012

Drawing a blank

Today's wasp? No reason, just like most of the photos here. I suspect that this shot contains a hidden spider somewhere, though, because the wasp sure wasn't moving much at the time.

Aaanyway. Today's post title is a twofer, since I'm drawing a blank on what I should blather about AND I'm also drawing a blank on drawing in general. As I mentioned here, the idea of doing something for the staff art show always seems to freeze me right up.

Not thrilled about that, by the way, because it seems to be keeping me from getting other art stuff done as well. Boo, self-consciousness.

Part of the problem, I suppose, is that knowing that my stuff might be on display changes how I approach it. I always think of myself as doodling for just me, with incidental blog posts just a byproduct of the doodling. Add public display into the mix, though, and all of a sudden I find myself thinking oh shit. This has to be good. And since I have a major problem with thinking of any of the doodles as ever being good... well, yeah. There you go.

Incidentally, I find the whole thing much less of an ordeal when I'm doing things for brochures or display work. Not sure on the reason for that, really, but I think it might have something to do with the fact that I tend to use those pieces more as clip art than art art. Who cares if a picture of a tree for a pamphlet looks like art, as long as it looks like a tree?

Ah well. I'll do something or I won't do something. And since my father is busy with a Legion thing today, I have the whole afternoon to do something.

Arty-something, hopefully.

But more likely playing stupid flash games on the computer...


My two fans know that I normally avoid a lot of current events blather, but I do have one thing I'd like to say about the current violence in the Middle East. Most of the media outlets are referring to protests and riots in the "Muslim world," and I suppose that's accurate enough. I just wish, given the wave of anti-Muslim feeling, especially in the US, since 9/11, that it could be made clearer that this is a small group of people within the so-called Muslim world and that majority of people who follow Islamic beliefs aren't condoning the violence at all. We don't need to give the intolerant idiots on this side of the planet any more excuses to build up their own irrational hatred, and I'm sort of afraid that we'll see that happen.

Gah. I love humanity sometimes, you know?

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