Tuesday 4 December 2012

Ok, here's a question:

How's a person who has two personal blogs and also manages the work blog supposed to keep all three current when she doesn't even have a computer at home?

Read that as: I got busy with a post for the work blog, so this one's getting shorted today. And as for the third? Oh, I just haven't been doodling much worth posting this week. I've been in pattern mood, and while that may make my hand and my brain happy, it's basically wtf as a blog post, really.

Today's pointless photo, then? Currant flowers from last spring. Currant flowers are bizarre, fascinating-looking things. You should look them up. You know, if you're lacking reading material because I can't be bothered to put together two proper posts in one day.

Catch you later. Later might not be for a day or two depending on what I can fit in between programs, but there will be a later at some point.

Bye now.

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