Monday 24 December 2012

So yeah...

Haven't been around a computer much (or at all, the why of which we're not getting into at the moment), feeling a little droopy (which almost makes today's not-new photo have a point. Sorry, blog), spent too much time just now trying to catch up on some of the internet silliness I've missed, and a fish is staring at me.

Um, the fish is across the doorway from the computer here at my dad's place. Fish-staring is a bit of a creepy hazard.

Are you getting the feeling that this isn't really going to be a post? It isn't. I would like to know, though, why it is that I spend so much time watching tattoo shows on the television when I'm sick. I get why I spend so much time watching wedding shows (to laugh at and be puzzled by the people who are willing to go into so much debt for such silly things that no one will ever remember, if you wondered), but tattoos? I mean, I have nothing against tattoos and have thought for a long time about getting one or two myself, but why was it my personal theme on TV for the past few days? That's just weird.

Ah well.

I promise I'll try for a real post or two sometime in the next couple of days. Now, though, I should head upstairs and actually show my father that I don't just come here to use his electronics.

Oh, and for anyone who was curious, Max the cat is still around. Still eating, still interested, just getting slower and slower. Tenacious animal, that one.

Happy Christmas if I happen to not post tomorrow.

I probably will, though.

Have to make up for this past week somehow, right?

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