Monday 5 November 2012


No, not that. I got your attention though, didn't I? And I'll be curious to see what kind of attention that it'll bring from random search engines.

I get an unreasonable kick from that sort of thing, I'll admit. I do check to see what weird search terms have brought people to my blogs. It's one of the few things I miss from the old Blogger banner ads these blogs all used to have, too. It used to amuse the heck out of me to see what random terms the Google ad engine would choose for its "targeted" ads. Don't even ask me how I ended up with an ad for Mein Kampf showing up for a week...

Incidentally, I hope you've noticed that I don't miss the targeted ads enough to sign up for Adsense or anything like that. Although it might fit, considering that ads on this blog would be well and truly pointless.

Um, anyway. That's not why you came.

The reason for the misleading title is that we're dealing with a few bugs at work today. Not of the variety featured in today's pointless photo (which is, after all, a beetle rather than a bug), but of the technological type.

We just got a new phone system.

Fuuun, right?

Figuring out the new system should be ok, once we have all the programming down. Should be ok, I hope. We have a lot of volunteers that run the front desk, though, and since they're each here just once a week that equals a full week's worth of trying to train people on a new system. And there are, of course, a few programming glitches as well. I called my father and asked him to call me back just to see if the Call Display worked properly. Well... after watching the line number light up, then the front desk line light up, then a momentary green light on my line (with no ring) that changed to red before I could pick it up and sent him straight to the voice mail box that I hadn't had a chance to set up yet, I can officially tell you that my voice mail light works.

The rest of the system apparently needs a bit of tweaking.

Ah well, if you occasionally try to get me at work and I seem to be non-existent, bear with us. We'll get it figured out.

Stay tuned to find out how they screw up our wifi...

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