Thursday 22 November 2012

It's too cold for Wheat to be in shorts

It's cold, I'm grumpy, and my office mate is in shorts. Didn't change into shorts here at work, no. He showed up in shorts. And apparently shovelled his walk in shorts before he left his house.

Sometimes I wonder about that man. And then I remember that I'm too grumpy about being cold to spend too much time wondering about Wheat's shorts, and after that I post a photo of spring flowers because at least they aren't snow.

That, and because I haven't taken too many photos lately.

There's a slightly sad reason for that, and it's not all because of the cold (or Wheat's shorts). No, the real slightly sad reason is that I think I might be saying goodbye to my trusty camera soon.


It's started having electronic brain farts, you see. Or I suppose you could translate that more politely as it's having reboot problems. I turn it on, the lens tube extends, the lens tube closes back up, and the camera says to try turning it off and on again. Lately that doesn't really work, so I have to take the batteries out for a while until it resets itself.

As I've said probably too many times here before, Lather, rinse, repeat.

I actually really am going to be slightly sad to see the camera go. Sure, it's getting on a bit and newer cameras have fancier features (aaand this might be a good excuse to save my pennies for a DSLR...), but there's been some things about the camera that I've definitely liked. It's shaped well to hold one-handed, for example, and since I'm very fiercely left-handed and cameras are always built right-handed (they are, you know), having a good grip is important to someone who's using her non-dominant hand to operate the thing. One of the other things I've liked, and this will probably surprise the bigger-is-better crowd, is that it's only a 3 meg camera. Let's face it, I'm never going to make a poster from any of my shots. They're almost entirely for use on a very silly blog, and I appreciate that I'm not needlessly using up my storage space with them.

And yes, I do realise that most cameras can allow you to save things in a smaller format than 10 or 14 meg (does anyone out there really need 14 meg pictures? Really?). It's just been nice that I haven't had to fiddle with that stuff, that's all.

Ah well. All electronics die eventually, and I'm sure that whatever I end up with will have its good points. And a bigger screen. And need a bigger memory card, which at least is a cheap thing to get compared to when I bought one for the current camera. It's just a little too bad to see it go, that's all.

It does, however, give me a very reasonable excuse for the lack of SNOW pictures on the blog.

Maybe I shouldn't get a new camera until next spring?

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