Sunday 18 November 2012


I've been very lazy about blogging lately, but then my two fans (if I have any two fans left at this point) have no doubt noticed that already. I could have blogged -- I was around -- but I just couldn't be bothered. Add that to the lack of recent photos (the decidedly winterish tone of the great outdoors isn't exactly inspiring) and the fact that at the moment my neck is out juuust enough to make my shoulder sore and the shoulder's owner cranky, and it's not looking great for a lucid blather today, either.

So... um. What's been up with me, lately?

Not too much. I had a birthday which I didn't celebrate, my father had a birthday (no idea on the celebration or lack of same there), and this weekend we finally got around to giving each other our presents. I got a slow cooker and he got an RC helicopter. Well, two helicopters, actually, because I hadn't realised that someone else gave him one too. Ah well, maybe he can have battles with himself.

I did actually want the slow cooker, by the way. I make a decent pulled pork, but the cheap vacuum cleaner salesman free gift crock pot I'd been using is a little on the small side for most recipes. I'd been having overflow issues. Now, though, I officially have a grown-up digital "multipot" (whatever with the mulitpot rebranding, by the way. It's still a slow cooker). I'm not sure why a slow cooker needs to be digital, but I suppose that it'll save me looking at the clock every few hours.

We all know how taxing that can be, having to tell time and everything.

And with that, I'm going to call it a post. Yes, seriously. I just feel like I'm already done typing, so I'm going with that feeling. Besides, it's probably time to go up stairs and watch dad divebomb the cat. With the helicopter, I mean. Last time I checked he wasn't into divebombing the cat without a helicopter...

Oh, relax. He doesn't really aim for the cat. The cat just gets curious enough to be in the way sometimes, that's all. Cats are silly like that. Or at least Max is.

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