Saturday 1 June 2013

So this happened...

 Yeah, that's the hole in my father's hedge. And if you follow down from the driveway I was standing in when I took the picture, you'll notice the tire tracks leading from the driveway.

Through the hedge.

Into the house.

Well, not INTO the house, thank goodness. A corner of the truck did hit the foundation hard enough to knock a picture off the wall in the living room, though. Onto my dad, who'd been napping on the couch.

The neighbour had left his vehicle running when he went into the house to grab his wallet, and it decided to take its own trip down the hill. No harm done to the house, thank goodness, but plenty done to the SUV. And the hedge, although the other side looks surprisingly good considering that Dad said it had been bent completely down. It's sprung back up pretty well.

Good fences make good neighbours, they say, but apparently good hedges make good collision barricades. The neighbour, by the way, felt awful. Dad noticed yesterday, however, that he'd still parked with his wheels turned downhill. Sure hope we're not going to see a repeat performance.

In other news, I really don't have any. You've probably gathered that the past while has been fairly busy at work (I'd hoped you'd've guessed that one from the number of times I've said I'm busy), and since I don't really want to whinge on about being busy at work I don't actually have anything else. I suppose I could tell you that our garter snake died. Sad, but George was a fairly old snake when we got him (he was a family pet, and with the kids grown up the parents thought he'd be better off somewhere where he'd get more attention) and we had him for a couple of years even then.

Now we need a new garter snake.

Would you laugh if I told you that the first place we checked was kijiji? Hey, you can find almost everything on kijiji.

Except, apparently, garter snakes.

I'll keep you posted.

And try to post something more interesting tomorrow.

Unless I'm busy.

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