Wednesday 7 August 2013

Find the spider!

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Goldenrod spiders are fun.

If it's any consolation, I've been thinking about taking my purple pigeon skull for a tour of the Nature Centre on the weekend via camera. That'd be a change from spiders on flowers, you have to admit.

The skull still lives on my desk, by the way. In a little plastic canvas box, so it doesn't get broken. One of our interpreters asked if it was a little plastic canvas coffin, but I wouldn't have a little plastic canvas coffin sitting on my desk now, would I? I'd have a skull, yes, but not in a coffin. That'd be silly.

Just got a phone call from my dad that my brother and his family are on their way to town from the Edmonton airport. That's right, the Ontario crew have made their way to Alberta for a week. Does that mean that the blog will have actual people pictures on it rather than spiders and flowers?

Probably not.

I don't take many pictures of people. They refuse to pose on flowers.

Actually, to be honest, it's a bit more about privacy than anything else. Yes, in this facebooky age when so many people put so much of their lives on the internet for everyone else to judge or admire or whatever, I'm still not into it. I'm not on facebook. I have a linkedin account that I think I might have signed into twice, no matter how much the excessive e-mail generated from the damned thing encourages otherwise. I use a spider for my profile picture. I honestly don't care if you ever see me.

I've said this before, but I'm under no illusion that I'm not traceable. I mean, first of all I work at a nature centre in Alberta. There's not that many of them, and it wouldn't take a lot to find me that way if you wanted to. And that, of course, is the tip of the proverbial iceberg. If you want to find me, you'll find me.

That's fine. Whatever. But you also don't need to have the minutia of my life showing up on your smartphone multiple times a day. I'm not interested in that sort of usage.

So... probably no family photos, unless I get a really terrible looking one. That I might not be able to resist.

Back to work for me, now. Have a good visit, family.

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