Friday, 4 July 2014

Quick (I hope) jewellery post

Work got busy so there wasn't time to post. And, of course, my two fans know that I don't usually like to post at night (no particular reason), so let's all try to keep this short, ok? I just wanted to explain the shopping channel reference I made last post.

Regular viewers will already know that I watch the jewellery (and no, I don't care that it's Fourth of July. It's still jewellery, not jewelry) shows on the shopping channel -- they're not getting a link from me since they don't need one -- purely for entertainment. So much of the jewellery is bad (for various reasons) and they work sooo hard to make it better in their sales pitches. I sometimes feel sorry for the presenters, really. Until I remember that they get paid to sell bad jewellery and whatever innovation Wolfgang Puck has put his name on now.


Yesterday they had an entire day of jewellery clearance. An entire day. An entire day of trying to sell the stuff that even their audience wouldn't buy. An entire day of seeing the same bracelet that some poor buyer asked for way too many of come up again and again, each time more desperately. An entire day of wondering if the tsc shoppers watching were in heaven because they could finally afford the cheesy whatsit (or should that be cheesy wotsit? Sorry. I just love that sketch. Too bad the BBC decided to cut it off before the punchline. Erm, such as it was.) they'd really wanted, or were totally pissed off because they'd paid four hundred dollars more for that same cheesy whatsit three months ago.

It would have been wonderful. But I had to go to work.

It was really, really hard to do that.

Ah well. I saw enough of it to at least feel like I'd been there. And I probably would have been sick on it if I'd had too much. Oh, and to prove that I'm not just being a snob when I talk about the ugly jewellery, above you'll see part of my misspent eighties. Well, except the Mardi Gras beads; they came later (and no boobs involved, seeing as it was a City function thank you very much). All 100% plastic, and all 100% cheese. I kept them when I did the jewellery box clean-up a while back because they made me laugh, remembering how much I wore them. And... well, I may use them for an art project sometime, who knows.

I do have a tiny portion of the real thing, though. Literally tiny. Freshwater pearls so small they could be seed beads. My brother and I bought them for my mother when we were still pretty young, and with our own money if I remember right. $25 at... I want to say Zales. Someplace like that, anyway. I think she wore the earrings a few times, but I doubt very much she used any of the rest.

I wore the bracelet to work a couple of months back on a whim. Stupid whim, since I work as a naturalist. Picture proof right here. Bandage courtesy of The Puppy, who was more or less fascinated with the bracelet and tried to take it away for a bit of playtime. No worries. It was just a nick, and the bracelet returned unharmed. And I still think that pearls and STARS bandage is quite the look.

Well, as usual this became longer than I was intending. It's almost a post, even. Tomorrow? Tea, probably. Likely accompanied by a picture of a flower because today's photos were altogether too close to losing their pointless status.

Puuumpkin tiiime...

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