Sunday 3 August 2014

Pointless new photo of the day:

New this afternoon, even. And very pointless. If you really pay attention, though, you should see a dragonfly silhouetted on that branch. It's a meadowhawk.

The dragonfly, that is. Not the branch.

Oh, and meadowhawk. That's me being a helpful(ish) naturalist.

Yes, I'm at work again today, and all evening. It's a weird shift to work for someone who's used to being off at four o'clock. I make it to around seven and start wondering, in a perfectly whiny internal voice, when I can go hooome.

It reminds me a bit of being a grocery store cashier back in high school. Stores weren't open as late then as they are now, but we did have a later closing on Fridays. You'd get to about eight thirty or so and just pray that no one would come in so that you could do your closing at nine. You see, the store had a policy -- a silly one, as far as I'm concerned -- of letting anyone who came in last minute (even if last minute was one minute to closing) do their shopping. Yep, if some arsehole customer came in at 8:59 and 59 seconds and decided to do an hour's worth of wandering around the store, we all had to stay.

I guess I still don't want to be made to stay. I dread seeing someone come in last minute to the nature centre, even if they're just passing through the building to get to the walking trails.

Anyway, that's enough of me being a baby for tonight. I need to professionally blog for work now. Pictures, mostly, and hopefully somewhat to the point. The work blog's less tolerant of blather, after all.

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