Wednesday 25 February 2015


I thought about writing this post in pink (does this look close enough?) and then I remembered how much I hate unreadable posts on other blogs.

I wanted to wear pink today, but one look at my wardrobe showed just how much I'm not a Barbie Girl. I am, however, wearing a faded-red (not old; bought in that colour) shirt that might pass for pink in the right light. Yep, instead of my uniform. It was important.

For those who haven't caught on or maybe just didn't know, it's Pink Shirt Day to raise awareness of, and hopefully in some cases stop, bullying. Briefly, it started as a student movement in Nova Scotia at a school where a boy was being bullied for having worn a pink shirt. Other students bought and handed out pink shirts in support, and the thing took off.

Was I bullied in school?

I was a short, round, misfit science nerd in a small-town school that favoured athletics over academics. What do you think?

'Nuff said about me, anyway. I wouldn't be a teen today for love or money, given all the new bullying avenues that social media has opened up. It's got to be so damned hard.

Anyway, and as I so often say after anyway, I need to get back to work. I'm not even going to end with any admonishment, homily, or words of wisdom about bullying. All I'm going to say is: think.

Too bad that's so difficult for some people.

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