Sunday 15 February 2015

Plus ça change...

Just for fun, let's do a comparison. Here's last October:

And here's yesterday:

The cat got bigger or the ring got smaller, I'm thinking. Pretty soon he won't fit at all.

Oh, who am I kidding? Cats make themselves fit if they want to.

This will be short, I'm afraid. I did a quick doodle mid-morning and then ended up browsing the Derwent website, which is always a dangerous thing to do. Their stuff is so fun, though. And they have pens now? Oh my budget...

I guess I could add a couple of cat notes before I go have lunch. First, I've had to remove Bob from the computer desk more than once this morning. He likes to watch the cursor, which sounds harmless until I tell you that this is a touch screen computer. Just watch would be fine, but when he decides to catch it a person ends up in internet places that she never knew existed.

Second, as I was posting my doodle (of the cats, ironically) to the other blog, I heard a massive crash from upstairs. I ran up the steps to find that not only had the Turkey Brothers knocked over a metal cookie bin from the kitchen counter (that's why it was so noisy), but that they were currently engaged in eating pork rinds from the bag that my father had left open last night.

That's right. Pork rinds. Garlic pork rinds, no less. And no sense at all that they might be in trouble. I yelled; they looked up, and then went back to eating pork rinds.

Cats. Sheesh.

Lunch time for me now. I might (she says tentatively) have a bit more time to blog this week than I've had for the last few, but there probably won't be a post for holiday Monday tomorrow. We'll see.

Cats. Sheesh.

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