Sunday 2 August 2009


Kind of forgot that I hadn't posted yet today.

Kind of don't have much to say anyway.

However, since I'll likely be away from the computer for the next couple of days and I don't want you to go into blather withdrawal, I'll try to come up with something.


How about a couple of pointless photos from the workplace, then?

Photo #1 features a possessed demonic squirrel. And how do I know that it's a possessed demonic squirrel? Well, for pete's sake just look at those eyes.

Ok, really? I was standing in a very shaded spot and the camera's flash went off. That doesn't preclude the squirrel's being possessed and demonic, of course, but it does make it less likely.

Photo #2 is of a weathered piece of pressure-treated wood.

Oh yeah. There might be a spider in there as well.

She's a Thin-legged Wolf Spider, and she's carrying an egg sac. I took a couple of shots of her with the camera before she sneaked down between the planks of the boardwalk, but they didn't turn out very well. Even on this one I've done some photoeditor fudging so that you can see her.

Everybody wanted to see her, right?

I just knew you would.

You know, I really don't have anything much to say today. It's hot and muggy and we've been under a severe weather watch all day (it's never a good thing when they issue the watch in the morning. Sounds like we're in for trouble), and I'm going to use that as my excuse for feeling uncommunicative.

It's a better excuse then some of the ones I've used, you have to admit...

See you in a couple of days, all.

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