As a start to today's blather, I'd invite everyone to sing a round of the Coffee Song, or Kaffeelied. I'm posting the German version just because that's how I originally learned it (and no, not because I know any German. That's just what comes of years and years of choirs and private voice lessons. You tend to pick up a few songs in languages that you couldn't speak if your life depended on it. Ask me to sing to you in Slovak sometime. I can do it...), but if you hit the "englischer text" link you'll find a not-entirely-faithful English translation. And there's a melody link to the left, I see, but I haven't tried it out since I'm at work.
Oh, sorry. I already said that.
So, I had a cup of coffee this morning. Yes, that's worth reporting. I don't normally drink coffee. In fact, I think I could count the number of times I've had coffee on the fingers of one hand... or at least I wouldn't use very many fingers on the other if I had to. I don't drink coffee, I don't like coffee, but I had a cup of coffee this morning. Long story, but the short version is that an old friend was passing through on her way to somewhere else (my friends seem to do that a lot. Sometimes I feel like a stopping house of sorts) and asked if she could buy me a coffee.
Why I didn't just tell her to buy me a tea instead is all a bit of a blur now, but somehow before I got the thought formed I was sitting there with a coffee in front of me. So I drank it.
Why exactly do people do that to themselves?
I went to work shortly after that, and by the time I got here I was feeling unpleasantly jittery and and the same time kind of draggy. People like that feeling, right? They must, or this country wouldn't be suffering such a Tim's addiction.
Now, I'll admit that this morning's coffee didn't taste as awful as some of the coffee I've had in the past. I'm guessing that it's because the coffee was hiding in amongst the sugar and cream and some-nut-or-other flavouring, though. I suppose it could be that I'm finally developing adult-beverage taste buds (maybe I'll have to buy a lager and find out), but I very much doubt that. Coffee still tastes like coffee as far as I'm concerned, and I've never been terribly fond of coffee in any form.
The fastest way to ruin good chocolate, for example, is to put coffee in it.
Back... oh, way too many years ago... and how sad is that... when I was moving up to Edmonton to start university everyone warned me that it would only take a week or two before I absolutely needed my morning cup of caffeine. That's fine to say, I suppose, except for one thing. If you never start drinking coffee, you don't need coffee. And if you don't need coffee, you don't drink coffee.
At least I don't.
And I have a little trouble comprehending the fact that there are people -- many, many people -- who drink coffee not just because they need it, but because they like it.
They like coffee.
They honestly like coffee.
That's like telling me that people honestly like green peppers. I just can't fathom it. It's not in my personal universe.
Ah well. I suppose I should have a neat little wrap-up now so that I can get back to work, but in the end I just plain have to get back to work.
And drink my TEA.
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