I've noticed.
Maybe it's the excitement of finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, as far as my megacold is concerned. Maybe it's the thrill of no longer having a crippling pain on my right side, I don't know. Either way, I seem to have been yammering away quite nicely.
Was yammering away quite nicely.
I don't think I have anything today.
I have thoughts... oh yes, I have thoughts. Thoughts that on occasion can become an entire, lengthy, pointless post. Today, though, they seem to be stopping at the partial sentence stage. Example? Well, I was wondering why milk chocolate even bothers to exist when there's such a thing as dark chocolate in the world. Dark chocolate has so much more flavour and is apparently even somewhat good for you (or so I hear), so why turn it into a poor, sugary, watered-down imitation of itself that is so pathetic it has to legally be labelled chocolate-flavoured candy?
Sounds like a good start for a pointless rant, right? Yeah, but then my brain went but some people LIKE milk chocolate. Hell, YOU like milk chocolate when there's nothing more chocolatey around. Yes, yes I do. Thanks a lot, brain. Now I have no blog post.
I hate it when the voices get in the way of a good blather.
I don't want to mention any of my other pointless blatherable thoughts just at the moment, because on another day my brain may actually let me develop them. Heaven knows that I'm short enough on topic as it is most days; there's no point in wasting possibles simply because I happen to not be in the right mood.
I... just now stopped typing for a second to stretch, and looking up I realise that I probably could have made up a full post just by trying to explain why there's currently a glow-in-the-dark plastic skeleton dressed as a leprechaun dangling from the ceiling just above my office chair.
Maybe that should be tomorrow, then?
Well, we'll see.
The skeleton will likely still be there tomorrow, at any rate.
1 comment:
I am only eating dark chocolate because it is supposed to be healthy. I truly like the bland taste of milk chocolate. But if I do eat dark chocolate I like the ones with bits.
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