Ah yes. The annual haircut has occurred and therefore must be blogged and/or complained about.
I should say, first of all, that the annual haircut wasn't exactly an annual haircut this time around. For those new to the program, I have a habit of letting my hair grow for about a year and then getting it hacked back quite a bit. It means that for about a month or so I have a hairstyle, and then for the rest of the time I have what could be termed a get-this-hair-out-of-my-face style. In other words, it gets tied back (or clipped back or whatever) and that's about it. Then about once a year I get sick of tying it back and we start all over again. This year? Well, I've been in the sick-of-it phase for about five months. Just never got around to the haircut part of the routine.
Until last Friday.
Now, I'm not really going to whinge about the cut I got. It's pretty good, all things considered. What things? Well, the fact that she didn't know me from Adam, didn't know what I like (other than "please don't give me bangs"), and didn't have any shape to work from. My hair was long this time, folks. Long and stringy and fine. What every woman wants, I'm sure. And that's what she had to work with. Given that, she did a fine job.
No, all I wanted to say is that it just struck me this time that it's a fair amount of trust to put in a person who doesn't know me from Adam &c &c. Obviously I don't obsess about my appearance (Obviously? Yep. Did you catch the part about the once a year haircut?) but I do still like to keep myself neat, tidy, and reasonably professional-looking. Um, the reasonably part comes in only because I work at a nature centre. Professional here is a fair bit different from professional at, say, an office building. So... given that I don't especially want to look like holy hell, isn't it a bit amazing that I can walk into a salon and trust that a stranger who has no stake in me at all besides a possible referral will still manage to make me look as little horrifying as possible to the general population? And isn't it even more amazing that for the most part I do it without even a second thought?
Except for today, I guess.
But then, I needed some blog-fodder. Especially since I'm going to be MIA an awful lot this week.
Anyway, the cut's fine even if it's a little longer than I might have liked (she didn't believe me when I told her that it grows so quickly that I'd sooner have her err on the short side of things, it seems), and the hair's out of the clips for the first time in ages.
Which, as my two fans know, drives me absolutely bats. Still, it's a rule with me that I should at least attempt to wear my hair loose for the short time that I have an honest-to-Whomever style going on. It'll be back to the hair toys soon enough.
And no doubt I'll be complaining about something else by then, anyway.
See you in a couple of days, folks.
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