Um, that last was a bit TMI, wasn't it.
Yeah, sorry. Or whatever. I just didn't want to go braless for the rest of the day, that's all. And since bras + dryer = buying new bras altogether too often, the only option available was the wet bra one.
Anyway. The whole laundry issue plus a bit of background computer annoyance has made me forget what I was going to blather about. Or if I was going to blather about anything, come to it. That's the problem when a person (well, this person) goes a few days without blogging, you know. You tend to have a slight issue with getting your thoughts (or lack of same) back in any sort of blatherable order.
And then you find yourself complaining about wet bras.
Um, yeah. I gave this blog its name for a reason...
1 comment:
I buy Jockey for her undershirts and often go braless most everywhere. If it were at work, I would wear two. I feel bra's are death traps. TMI TMI I did update. Got a cute if shady photo of my Phoebe in the backyard. You must start using alternative natural preventive stuff. Get that elderberry stuff. Sambucus. I order it off the internet. Tastes divine. Native American Indians discovered the berry before us. Tastes like blackberry syrup. It has kept me well all last year and so far, knock wood, this year. I take the preventive dosage.
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