Saturday 18 September 2010

I feel like one gigantic whinge

Photo? Pointless. As usual. And with the heavy frosts we've had the past couple of days, expect a lot more of that. It's been a pretty bad year for my style of pointless garden photography, let me tell you.


As the somewhat not pointless title says, I feel like a gigantic whinge. Not like having a gigantic whinge, no -- I feel like a gigantic whinge. As if I myself were nothing but a whinge.

If I were a sound effect today I'd be sort of a pathetic moan.

And what's got me all whingy? Oh, just lots of little things. Nothing that deserves a bunch of complaining on its own, but put all together you get... oh geez, let's just use the phrase pathetic moan again. Wah wah wah. Sorry, but even I'm put out by my attitude at the moment.

Want an example? Well, here's one. In the past couple of days I've slept more than I usually sleep in a week. That should be a good thing, right? Insomniacs around the world rejoice (or are miffed) that one of their own has finally figured out the magic of sleep. Here's the thing, though. I haven't. I'm sleeping because I've picked up yet another bug and it's making me very draggy. Cue pathetic moan oh-woe-is-me here... except that dammit, I'm actually sleeping. Get over yourself already, Dee. If the worst thing that comes out of this is a little congestion and a lot of sleep, you're a pretty lucky woman overall.

I do have one thing that's a little harder to talk myself out of, though, just because it's the return of an ongoing rest-of-my-life problem. My stupid ankle's shifted again, and it's not making walking especially pleasant. I get up in the morning and it feels like I'm balancing myself on a fairly painful peg leg, and then when that finally works itself out I spend the rest of my day with cramps in the calf muscle that's trying too hard to hold everything together.

I have a massive calf muscle from years of this crap, boys and girls. And, sadly, only on the one side. Makes it look like I only ever exercise the one leg, unfortunately.

Ah well, what can you do? It just gets me a little down that I'm always going to be dealing with this, that's all. There's always going to be pain (although it's admittedly livable pain. There are plenty of people who have it far, far worse than I ever will), there are always going to be days when I don't feel like moving, and there are going to be times when I feel like nothing more than a giant, self-pitying whinge.

Um, yay me?

Not so much. Get a grip already, stupid woman, and get on with things.

Either that or just go back to bed while your body still remembers what sleep is supposed to be about...

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