Wednesday 15 September 2010

What the hell was that about?

Not a lot to say today because I have work that needs getting to (and I promise that I'll post a proper view of this lily at some point. It was pretty), but I did want to mention this:

If you're not a napper (and I'm reeeally not a napper. Wish I was, but apparently my brain disagrees with it in principle), waking up from an unexpected nap is the MOST DISORIENTING THING IN THE WORLD.

Yesterday (for a few reasons) I was massively tired when I got home from work. Cold, too, since I'd been outside in the crappy weather pretty much all day. I was intending to get something to eat right away since I hadn't had a proper lunch, but instead I sat down for a moment with a quilt... and half an hour later I was missing half an hour of my life.

Seriously. That's what it feels like when you don't usually nap.

Hey, obviously I needed to. I'm not arguing with that. But waking up not knowing what in the you-know just happened? Not as pleasant as a person might think.


Still feeling kind of draggy at the moment so no doubt you'll be hearing in a day or two what annoying little bug I've managed to pick up from the returning schoolchildren. Um, consider that a warning. As for me, I'll be busy preparing the usual why do I always have to catch every damned thing that's going around? whinge, just in case.

Yep, things are pretty much back to normal around here...

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