Friday 26 November 2010

Bonus chapter 1237: Wherein Dee likes fireworks

Ok, honestly? I'm mostly just posting this now because I'll forget by tomorrow. I'm getting older, you know. Brain isn't what it used to be.

If it ever was...


I'm in at my father's place for the first time in a couple of weeks, and it turns out that today is the town's official start to the shopping season. Jealousy about the American's Black Friday chaos (augh. That word again. It's been that kind of a day, I guess), do you think? Maybe. Most towns around here have a day to encourage local shopping, though, and have had for years. My home town always used to call it Midnight Madness, but this year they're stopping at 11 pm. Just as well. I remember having to work Midnight Madness when I was a grocery cashier in high school, and that last hour was absolute boring torture.

Anyway. Again.

The past couple of years, the town business association has tried to drum up the excitement a bit by starting off the evening with a fireworks display.

I like fireworks. It says so in the title.

I do, actually, but there's something extra neat about the Midnight(ish) Madness display. They set it up in a field that's just down the hill from my father's place, so a person really gets a front row seat for the whole thing. A front row seat to the point where you can see the techs with their red flashlights moving from set-up to set-up (and yes, I'm aware that I'm likely not using proper terminology. I like fireworks; doesn't mean I necessarily know much about them).

A front row seat like that is really cool. Far enough away that you're not in immediate danger (although last year there was no snow and they did set the field slightly on fire. Fire trucks are good things, boys and girls), but close enough that you feel every explosion.

Did I mention cool? Maybe hot would be the better word.

I wasn't going to bother watching this time and managed to miss the first few booms, but it didn't take long before I was standing at the end of the driveway like the rest of the neighbours and admiring the colourful destruction. They put on a decent show, too. No fancy music or choreography, but a nice selection of shells and a fairly long go of it.

And I had fun and it wasn't stupidly cold out, so all in all a good time was had by all. Or at least by me.

And the whole thing gives me an excuse to post this link, so all good. Click on the black box on that page for your own show, if fake fireworks are your thing. Personally I'd go for the real ones every time, but at least this way we can all play with the pretty colours.

Done typing now. Don't expect two posts tomorrow, even if I do have a lot of days to make up for.

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