Saturday 6 November 2010

Can't take her anywhere

This time next week (well, maybe not this exact time, but you get my meaning) I'll be preparing to go away to a conference for four days.

As you can imagine if you've been following the gist of me (or at least blogworld me, which is, admittedly, semi-me. I'm not sure the internet would be interested in the whole package), this doesn't make me especially happy.

What you might not know, though, is the biggest reason it doesn't make me happy.

You might be thinking that it's because I'm very attached to my routines and I don't like to see them disrupted. Well... I am, yes, but I'm not that set in my ways that I can't take a few days to do something different.

You might think that it's because I'll be around people for four days and the loner in me will go absolutely bizonkers (it's like bonkers but with extra iz... or maybe it's just the Snoop Dogg version. I don't know). No, not really. It's not like we don't get down time. I was worried about that last year, but it worked out all right.

No, it's not the good ol' OLF brain that makes me dread things like this. It's the physical side of things.

I'll explain, yes. Somewhat.

Generally I'm in decent health (despite how much I complain about my health here, you have to admit that it's all little whinges), but there are a couple of things going on that make being in unfamiliar territory a bit difficult for me these days. One is the whole sleep issue, and the other I think I'll sidestep just now to avoid hitting tmi territory.

Sleep is definitely going to be a problem for this chronic insomniac, I can tell you that now. As my two fans know, I don't sleep well at the best of times. Trying to sleep in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar situation? Absolutely the farthest thing from the best of times. At last year's conference lack of sleep had me bursting into tears during one session (to be fair, and as I've mentioned before, it's not that hard to make me burst into tears anyway. Add no sleep to that and you could probably make me cry by looking at me cross-eyed), and faceplanting into a book I was reading at another. Good times, good times. So not looking forward to a repeat.

The other problem... hmm. Maybe I'll go all medical on the blog another time, but for now I'll just say that there may be a food issue to deal with.

So what to do besides stew about the whole adventure? I'm not sure. I suppose I could try bringing out the heavy chemical artillery to make sure I get at least a little rest, but that leads to being logy and useless the next day. Not too much I can do about the other thing besides bringing my own food, and I'm not sure I want to go to that inconvenience yet just to avoid another inconvenience.

Ah well. Nothing I can do about the whole thing at the moment besides fuss needlessly about it. And get some lunch.

Yeah, lunch. Type at you later, then.

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