Thursday 4 November 2010


Being the hapless OLF that I am, I must report that I'm currently having a bit of tire anxiety. Not a huge amount, no, but it's still there.

You see, I'm compressorless at the moment.

The air compressor that I've carried around in the trunk for years (two different trunks, in fact) has decided not to behave anymore, so I've ditched it. Um, at my father's place. He thought he might be able to use it for parts.


It's funny how being without something that you usually take for granted suddenly makes you nervous that you're going to need it. I mean, seriously. If your tires are in good repair, how often do you really need a compressor? The last time I tried to use mine was in the summer (my tire was pierced beyond simple pumping up that time, though), and I can't really remember the last time I used it before then. Years, probably. All it did was ride around with me as a bit of emergency tire insurance. I may not have to use one again for years.

I hope I won't. I don't have one now.

It makes me a little tense, that.

Now, right about now many of my two fans are bashing their heads against the desk (they tend to do that anyway, but they're probably going at it somewhat more violently at the moment) in lieu of physically shaking me and yelling JUST GO BUY ANOTHER DAMNED COMPRESSOR, SILLY WOMAN.

Except they'd better not be saying the silly woman part. I'm the only one who's allowed to call me silly woman.

And anyway, I can't go buy another one just now. Someone may be buying one for me, and I don't need two.

You see, when I found out my compressor wasn't working properly at my father's place (I was wanting to top up a slightly low tire, in case you were wondering. I'm not quite neurotic enough to do random compressor tests just for the heck of it), I hinted (OK, TOLD. It wasn't actually a hint) that I'd be ok with him buying me a compressor for my birthday.

Yeah, I'm not shy about asking for useful things for my birthday. After all, it's how I've got my last two winter coats, and that's worked out all right.

So. Yeah. I suspect I'll be getting a compressor for my birthday, but it's not my birthday for a while. And in the meantime I'm compressorless.

And nervous.

And OLF. But there's absolutely no news in that statement.


In other non-news, do you know how weird it feels to wear a ring when you haven't been wearing a ring for a while? I don't know what possessed me to put a ring on today that I haven't worn for months, but there you go. I'm wearing a ring, and it feels weird.

And yes, you needed to know that.

Back to work for Yours Oddly now, ok?

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