Friday 8 June 2012

Pointless photo of the day and a brief note of appreciation for the weather

It's raining.


No, that's a genuine yay. It was a good day for it to rain, because I've had a busy programming week (thus the massive amount of blogging that's happened), and just when I was wondering where the energy &/or attitude was going to come from for my afternoon pond study it started pouring rain.

And not only that, but the school called at a not-the-last-minute time to postpone. That means that I didn't find out that they weren't coming after I'd already set everything up.


It also looks like it might stop raining for just long enough that my interpreters who have the groups that didn't cancel can get their programs in without being completely soaked.

Are we hitting triple yay, then?

Yes, we are.


This means as well that, since my program's off,  I'll get a chance to see one of my newer programmers program, which I haven't been able to do yet because I've been busy programming myself.

Get the feeling that June's a busy time around here?

Yes, yes it is.

Going now. Consider yourself lucky to get any blather at all, because I really didn't think you were going to today.

And then it rained.


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