Thursday 14 June 2012

What's in my ears today?

No, not ferns. I just didn't feel like taking a pointless photo of the side of my head. Especially since I would have needed to use the work camera to do it, and taking a picture of your ear with work equipment is just... well, a little bit weird.

I think, anyway, although stranger things have happened with the work camera.

Or at least I'm assuming.

I, erm, don't really have anything, if you haven't already guessed. I've been taking advantage of what this time of year is a rare day in the office to work on the EXTREMELY LATE newsletter (thanks for getting things in before I hit programming-busy, everyone. Sheesh.), and when my brain gets into newsletter mode it's hard to make it want to blather.


Oh yeah. I was going to tell you about my earrings. I've mentioned that rearranging the jewellery box has made me a bit more interested in jewellery variety than I've been for a while, and I guess it really hit this morning.

I had a whim.

I don't usually have whims in the morning. I have other things to do first thing in the morning.

Today, though, I had a whim. And that's what caused me to dig through the earring stash and come to work dressed in the finest of late 80s junk jewellery. Thus:
  • large
  • dangly
  • mismatched on purpose
Ah well. At least they're not neon.

What are they, then? A cat on one side. A fish skeleton on the other. Add that to the fact that I've been wearing a silver ear cuff lately that I used to wear when I was in university (another whim, I suppose, but I'd forgotten that there was a time that I really liked ear cuffs. Still do, come to it. Maybe I can get them back into fashion? Yeeeah, whatever on that one, Dee. Although, a quick google shows that there are plenty of ear cuffs still to be found out there...), and my ears are kind of their own time machine today.

I'm sort of enjoying it.

Maybe I should become the office queen of gaudy eighties earrings?

Nah. That'd mean I'd have to have a whim every morning, and I'm not sure I'm up to that.

I could probably manage one day a week, if I gave it a little effort.

And I must admit that I have some totally awesome gaudy eighties earrings.


Back to work just now, though. If by some miracle I have time in between tomorrow's programs to post, remind me to tell you about the new snake. I'm about to be back in the business of pinkie-buying again, for better or for worse.

Better, mostly. I've missed having a snake.



Ces Adorio said...

I worry sometimes that I find myself laughing so hard when I read your posts and I am not sure if it is something that I should be announcing to the whole world, but I love coming here.

deeol said...

Honestly, some days I'm just looking for a place to put my leaking brain. I will say, though, that occasionally I go back and read my own archives. It generally leaves me feeling that I might be one of the weirder people in the world.

I suppose that's ok, though.

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