Saturday 16 June 2012

What's on my finger today?

You people are going to think that I'm jewellery-obsessed all of a sudden. I'm not, honestly. It's just that this is the first time I've worn this ring, and it's sort of on my mind at the moment.

What you're seeing in my fairly-unphotogenic hand (and sheesh. You'd think I could have slipped out of the loop of my tensor brace before I took the photo. Didn't think to, to be honest. The wrist is doing fine, by the way. I'm just wearing a light brace now to make sure it continues to do fine) is a ring.

Well, duh, Dee.

It's a mystery ring, of sorts.

I found it in my mother's jewellery box when I was looking for chains, and it was one of only two rings in there (the other being her high school ring, if any of my two fans were interested for some reason). Anyway, I'm thinking that it might be an aquamarine, since my mother was born in March. I asked a friend of mine here at work who knows more than I do about stones what she thought and she said aquamarine before I even said anything else, so maybe I'm right with my guess.

It's a nice, simple setting, and as you can see from this angle featuring my very unmanicured thumbnail, there's almost an art deco-y feel to the sides with that swoop.

It's a nice ring. I wouldn't imagine that it's terribly valuable, but it's pretty wearable. Which makes it a bit odd that I don't ever remember her wearing it.

Ah. We get to the mystery part.

My mom did wear rings, so that wasn't the problem. She had her wedding ring, of course, and a family ring that she was ever so slightly peeved wasn't a little more colourful. Curse my father and me for both being born in the same month, I guess. Hmm. Wasn't the family ring in her jewellery box too, along with this one and the school one? I can't remember now.

Erm, anyway. She did wear rings and this is a decent ring, so why wasn't it worn? Not that it's important at all, but it intrigues me. I know nothing about this ring. It was important enough to be kept, but wasn't worn. Where did it come from? Was it a present from her parents? I'm guessing it's a 60's setting, but I don't even know that for sure.

I suppose it bugs me a little when things don't have stories.

Ah well. I need to get back to work now, so we'll just have to leave the mystery a mystery. And as for the ring itself, I think I'll be wearing it more often now that I've had it on for a while. Incidentally, a little aquamarine googling tells me that it's the star sign stone for Scorpio.

I know a Scorpio. She's wearing an aquamarine (well, presumably aquamarine) ring on her right hand just now. And she definitely needs to get back to work.

See you in a day or two. No computer for me tomorrow. Oh, and early Happy Father's Day to my dad, since unfortunately I won't make it into town this week. Maybe we'll have to do a belated something next weekend.

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