Thursday 28 June 2012

Not entirely pointless photos of the day:

And you do realise, of course, that this is risking having the blog turn into a pumpkin...

I just thought that Ces might be interested to know that the sky had vertebrae this morning.

The other photo? Just there to keep the first photo company.


I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to post today, to be honest, and for a couple of reasons. The first and most immediate reason is that I have a paper cut down the side of my left pinkie, and it's sort of making typing annoying.

I hate paper cuts.

Not that I'm saying that anyone else likes them, but still. Stupid cardboard box that I was trying to wedge into the recycling, anyway.

The second reason I'm a little blather-blocked is that I'm about to disappear from the internet for a few days, and that always makes me feel like I should be working a bit harder to post something worth reading before I go. I don't know why I put that touch of extra pressure on myself, but I do.

It generally leads to some very lame posts, and that's pretty much what's happening here.

I guess I could tell you why I'm disappearing, although that's not terribly exciting either. It's Canada Day weekend here in Canada (well, it would be weird if it was Canada Day weekend in Sweden), and after making it through another spring school programming season I've decided to vote myself a four-day weekend rather than a three-day weekend. With any luck it may even turn into a five-day weekend, but I'm not entirely sure about that yet. A weekend away from the office and my father's place means a weekend with no computer for me, and that leads to a blatherless blog. Well, obviously, since I haven't quite figured out how to do this by telekinesis.

I know some people are reading this and wondering if there's such a thing as a world without a computer for an entire long weekend, and let me assure you that there is. I like not having a computer at home. Sure, I miss out on some things, but it allows me to do more of other things. Take away the easy option and you find other ways to amuse yourself, believe it or not.

So what will I do with my weekend if I'm not going in to see my dad?


I'm tired, and I intend to do nothing.

I might guilt myself into a little bit of cleaning, especially if I take that fifth day, but other than that... I might sit on my balcony and watch my plants grow. I might watch silly British sketch comedy. I might doodle, or knit a new dish cloth since I see that my current one has an extra hole that it really shouldn't have. Overall, though, the plan is to have no plan.

For days.

Doesn't that sound amazing?

Oh, and in case anyone new to the program wondered, I'll be doing all of this nothing alone. I like it that way. I'm not shy of my own company at the best of times, and after the last month and a half of talking to innumerable school children I think I deserve some time to talk to no one.

That is, except the voices in my head. Wouldn't want them to feel left out.

So there you have it. The last blather of June. Have a great weekend, everyone (and if you're in my area, stay off of the river. It's high enough that even we've cancelled our floats, and we have proper commercial rafts. Having a floating beer party in a Walmart inflatable would be just plain idiotic), and I'll see you whenever I manage to drag myself back to the office.

Or Wednesday. Whichever comes first.

1 comment:

Ces Adorio said...

OYE! That sky looks better than my last bone scan! Nice vertebrae!

" It's Canada Day weekend here in Canada (well, it would be weird if it was Canada Day weekend in Sweden)" --- I don't know why but statements like this make me laugh so hard.

I love doing nothing.

Happy doing nothing.

Enjoy your weekend doing nothing and beautiful flower on the previous post.

Yes, there is a world without computers. Unfortunately my weekend will be filled with them. We are having a mjor project implementation and I am on call.

Have fun! Thank you for the special mention.


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