Monday 25 March 2013

Cake or death

Picture? Nothing to do with anything.

Post title? Same thing, except that it gives me an excuse to link to this...

Ok, well, there was dessert involved in my morning. Someone brought in SASKATOON PIE.

Yes, that needed capitals. Saskatoon pie is one of my favourite things in the world (which led me to the age-old question of cake or pie, which then led to Eddie Izzard. As things do), and I don't get to have it very often any more since I don't have my grandmother around to make me one.

Saskatoon pie is fantastic. And if you've never had saskatoon pie, you should. And if you don't live in Alberta or Saskatchewan and don't have any easy access to saskatoon pie, well... sorry.

Yep, just sorry.

Gotta go do a program now. Maybe, if I'm lucky, there'll still be some saskatoon pie left when I'm finished.

Later. Sorry this is so short, but hey. At least it's a post. There haven't been many of those this month.

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