Tuesday 26 March 2013

Working at work

Yeah, again. Terrible stuff. I should have time to think of a blather tomorrow, but for now I'm mostly just posting so that I don't disappear for over a week again.

Which, as you've noticed, tends to happen if I don't stop by to at least post a pointless photo. Speaking of which...

This is just another random shot in my apartment taken from the bed because I was too lazy (or bored) to get up. The conch shell is a souvenir from a Hawaii trip. The one where I was in high school, I think, not the earlier one. And yes, I can blow the conch. I don't do it often in the apartment for obvious reasons, but every once in a while if I get the urge and I think it's likely that not many people are home (like, say, mid-afternoon on a weekday), conch trumpet it is. I like to think that it confuses the hell out of anyone who does happen to be home.

The glass-looking thing is a glass thing. Or maybe a plastic thing. With a laser scorpion engraved in it. I think it was a present.

As for the rest, well, I have a shelf and a half of dictionaries. I like dictionaries. Old ones, new(ish) ones (haven't bought a new standard dictionary in years because I, like the rest of the world, tend to use the internet for modern references these days), translating ones, biographical ones... I can get pretty good mileage out of a dictionary, as odd as that sounds. The thesaurus, on the other hand, I may have opened once since I got it.

No idea why.

Anyway, that'll have to do for today. See you next post. Whenever that is.

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