Friday 29 March 2013

No so random bird

I'll post more thoroughly tonight if I'm in the mood, but for now at least I thought you might like to see one of the Downy Woodpeckers that's currently trying to eat me out of house and home. Those aren't peanuts in that peanut feeder, boys and girls. They're expensive mixed nuts (think Christmas nuts, but without the salt) that I bought on a whim. I couldn't believe that people would spoil their birds with mixed nuts without a reason, so I thought I should see -- for professional reasons, of course -- whether people were buying the stuff just because it made them feel good, or whether the birds do, in fact, like them better.

They do.

An awful lot better.

I've been seeing well over twice as many birds as I usually do on the balcony. Chickadees and nuthatches, of course, but I've never had such regular woodpecker visits before.

Sigh. Experiment gone the opposite way that I wanted it to.

They're getting peanuts again the next time I buy seed, though. If I don't get to have mixed nuts most of the year, than neither do the birds.

So there. Nyah.

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