Friday 15 March 2013

I have no idea what this post is going to be about

Just about says it all, really. I don't want to post about snow, which is what I'm seeing out the window. I don't want to post about the planetarium, which is where I've spent the last couple of days. I don't want to post about the pope, because I'm not Catholic and I really don't care.

What does that leave, exactly?

A beaver-chewed log, I suppose, if you're judging from today's pointless photo. But I don't want to blather about beavers, either.

I guess I'm feeling a little contrary.

What could I blather about, then? Well, I suppose I could tell you how it feels to have your brain explode when you open a credit card bill and instead of seeing the $700ish balance you're expecting you find $11,000.

I could also tell you how sheepish you feel when you slide an obviously-opened credit card bill under your neighbour's door with a note apologising for not noticing that the mailman put it in the wrong box before you ripped it open.

I'd sooner feel sheepish than have the bill back, though.

Still no topic, then. Come on, Dee. It's not like you've posted much for the last couple of weeks.

Ok, then. How about this? I... want to make some art.

So do it, then, silly woman. It's not like you don't already have enough art stuff in your very small apartment.

Yeah, I know. But for anyone who follows the other blog (and if so, why?), you've probably noticed a distinct lack of new posts lately. That's because there's been a distinct lack of new art lately. The why behind that is a little complicated, I guess, or at least a little compounded. Take a few busy work days, add a cold (starting to feel better now, thank goodness, but I still have that annoying leftover cough that just won't. go. away.), sprinkle on some general end-of-winter malaise, stir, and you end up with a lump who comes home and turns on the television rather than doing anything constructive.

Or even destructive. Destructive would at least be making a mess, which I suppose would count as being more creative than sitting.

Can a person sit creatively? I'm not sure about that.

Anyway, I'm getting itchy to get back to the art, but (for me at least) once I've stopped for a while it takes a bit of a kick in the pants to get started again. I brought art stuff to work today because I really do need to get some new things started for our various in-house publications, but I've also been out of the office a lot this week so to sit and draw just doesn't seem like the best plan when there are other things to do. So what, then?

Well, it looks like I'll be staying in town this weekend rather than going in to my father's place (read that as: no blog posts again for a couple of days), so that should probably be a good excuse to get some things out and...


Yeah, there's the problem. Get some things out and what? Do work pictures? I suppose I could, but that doesn't sound terribly therapeutic. And it's far too winter out there for me to be inspired by anything of the flower sort. So what, then? Again.

Maybe I should go back to that whole make a mess idea. Maybe I should get out the neglected mixed media journal (otherwise known, appropriately enough, as the mess) and just do. Sometimes it's fun to be a five-year-old, especially when you're being a five-year-old with expensive adult art supplies. There gets to be a little bit of the devil in it, really. Sort of an I know how much this cost, but I'm going to do something stupid with it anyway just because I can.

There's a book I like for that sort of uninhibited mess making called Journal Spilling. I'm not much of a journalist (journaller? Journalist looks funny in this context) , but when I'm stuck for some reason flipping through a book like that can sometimes give me ideas of ways to play and get myself past whatever fly is currently in my ointment. Time to get it out this weekend, maybe. Time to play. Time to do something which will most definitely not make it to the other blog (or might. Who knows, at this point) but will at least get me doing something.

Time to not look at her list of supplies, though, because she always makes me want to go out and buy more neat stuff. Hmm. I don't have any flow release. Maybe I need some flow release. Or some water-soluble crayons as opposed to the scads of water-soluble pencils that I already own...

Time to play with the toys that you already have, Dee. See you after the weekend, all. Maybe even with some art mess.

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