Friday 30 January 2015

Oh, go away

 Winter, I mean. I'll freely admit that we had a pretty mild January (for Alberta. For the most part), but now we're under snow warning and the roads will be crap again.

That makes me terribly happy.

Does grumpy make for a  good blather? Probably not, although I really should come up with something for this massively neglected blog.

Oh wait. Maybe I have something, but it'll have to be quick since, you know, work and all.

The something is this: maybe make sure you enjoy these purty pictures of clematis seed heads if you're at all the squeamish type, because next week (or whenever I get them off the camera) there may be something much more unphotogenic. You see, the other day I realised that I hadn't really talked much about all of this medical stuff that's been going on (doing well, by the way) so I decided to take photos of my stoma.

Go on. Google stoma if you need to.

Back now? Ok. I had a ruptured diverticulum, and if that sort of thing is bad enough they detach part of your colon so that the damage can heal. Mine is sigmoid colon, for anyone who needs to google some more. The problem with that is that it leaves you no place to eliminate waste -- except inside your abdomen, I suppose -- so the surgeon needs to create a new exit point.

It's called a stoma. Mine's at about waist level.

That leaves you the problem of where the crap goes, and rather than have it run down your clothing they set you up with a system called an ostomy pouch.

We'll be talking about mine if the pictures turned out.

We might be talking about it anyway, depending.

Me, I've got snow to look not-forward to talking about before then, and probably a weekend where I don't leave my apartment.

Getting a feeling that this is your post for the week.? It may be likely. See you when I see you.

Possibly with medical photos.

You've been properly warned, remember.

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