Probably nothing.
I could tell you that the staff here is borderline insane, but that wouldn't be news to too many people. Besides, I'm not sure I want to elaborate on the reasons for the statement.
I could also mention that snakes aren't terribly smart, but I know that there are a few of my two fans who hate it when I talk about snakes. And anyway, I guess I'm not in the mood to elaborate on that either.
I could, I suppose, tell you that the office atmosphere is currently a mix of paint fumes and dog fart. In fact, I think I just did...
Hey. We could talk about being on the receiving end of drunk texting! Oh wait, no. I mean, I was on the receiving end of drunk texting, but since my phone was off at the time it was nothing more than something that made me laugh this morning. That's not really much to make a blog post out of. Even for me.
We could admit that there isn't really going to be a post today and just go back and look at the pointless photo.
Yeah, that sounds good.
Where is, you know, the black widow lover co-worker? I miss him and his comments.
Maybe he's drunk texting...
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