Friday 25 June 2010

Pointless pre-progam post

Oh wait. That was yesterday.

Oh waitier. It's today too.

Different day, same garbage. Except with a bit more voice. And a lot more p.o'd about something here that... You know what? Whatever. It's not like my being p.o'd ever really changes anything anyway. Especially after the fact, and this is most definitely after the fact.

So here we are, then. No time to make a proper post, but still typing for some stupid reason. And yes, I'm in pretty much in the mood I sound like I am.

In other words, different day, same garbage. Or words to that effect which you're perfectly welcome to fill in for yourself. I'm going to stop typing now, if that's ok with everyone.

Oh, one thing though. I probably won't be around a computer tomorrow, so at least we'll all be spared three days in a row of me in a snit.  And I'll try my best not to be in one by the next time I post.

Almost made myself laugh there...

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