Thursday 17 June 2010


You know how you get to that state in certain illnesses where you think you're feeling better until you actually try moving? Yeah. My head and I aren't the best of friends at the moment, so I'll try to keep this short.

In regards to the post title: Some people have real bubbles. You know what I mean? Get too close to their personal space and they get very uncomfortable? I'm one of those. It's not to the extreme, but close talkers really squick me out. Oh, and if you were planning to give me a hug anytime soon, please just don't. I didn't grow up in a huggy family, and I never quite know what to do around huggy people. I'm sure all that physical contact is very important for some of you, but except in certain special circumstances it does nothing for me. Yep, I am not a touchy-feely person.

But you know what?

Kids are.

My job is weird.

Yesterday, in the middle of my program, I felt a hand that wasn't mine go into the pocket of my hoodie (yes, I'm still wearing the uniform hoodie that I don't particularly like. Yay me for playing along). The hand, thankfully, belonged to one of the students and not one of the parent helpers. That would have been... awkward. I'm not sure what the hand was doing in my pocket -- it wasn't especially cold out or anything -- but it headed in there very matter-of-factly, stayed for a bit, and then went away.

I, of course, pretended it hadn't been there in the first place. I was in the middle of a program, for pity's sake.

Later on as I was trying to explain something to the group, I noticed that a little girl in front of me had decided to play with the cord on my hoodie's hood.

I ignored that too.

But kids are weird, and my job is weird, and I'd better get back to my weird job. Later, folks.

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