Saturday 11 June 2011


This is Max. This is Max on my father's bed (he was in the middle of cleaning himself, if you're wondering about the bit of tongue and stunned look). Max isn't currently on my bed, because I didn't bother to make it last night.

You see, the house was awfully warm when I got here yesterday, and since I'd been dealing with a hot apartment all week and was pretty much to my limit for sweaty sleeping conditions I decided I'd use the downstairs bedroom. I also decided that I was too tired and lazy to bother looking up bedding for it, so I just hauled out my sleeping bag and used that instead.

This was a confusing thing to the cat, and very amusing to me.

My two fans will already know that the cat is in the habit of heading to my room if my father gets up in the night. My two fans will also know (but may not remember) that the last time I used the downstairs room I was housesitting and Max figured it was the Best. Game. Ever. to have me in the basement. I was woken up several times by a cat looking at me intently and obviously wondering what weird and unexpected thing I was going to do next for his amusement.

Now, because of his visiting habit and the novelty of my being in a different room, I was thinking that I might have an annoyingly interesting cat night last night. To my surprise and relief, though, no. And why? I'm pretty sure it was the sleeping bag. He couldn't figure out how he was suppose to use it. When I went to bed he was wandering all over for a while trying to find a place to land, but he finally completely gave up. I guess it wasn't any fun to have to sleep on the bare mattress with no access to the human blankets.

Aw. Poor cat. Too bad, so sad.

I assume that he headed back upstairs to my father's bed for the night, because I didn't see him again until morning. Morning, however... morning may have caused me a bit of a future problem.

You see, Max isn't a stupid cat. Far from it. And this morning? Well, this morning he figured out that if he approached from the head end rather than the side or the foot, he could weasel his way inside the impenetrable bag.

Yep. I got to spend half an hour cuddling a very happy, warm, and satisfied cat. If he thinks he's going to do that all night tonight he's definitely got another thing coming, but he certainly seemed to be savouring his triumph while he had it.

And what was Penny up to during all of this? Probably something like this:


And you wonder why she doesn't get mentioned on the blog as much as the other one? There are only so many things you can say about a lump, you know.

That's it from the cat house, I guess. Oh, I should add the reason for the post title, for those who've somehow managed to get through life not knowing about it: the original Confuse-A-Cat.

Are there seriously people who've managed to get through life not knowing what to do when the cat's in a rut? Sad, that.

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