Saturday 18 June 2011

Post topic?

I don't know. It seems like I've been so out of it this week that I don't really have a right to have post topics. You have to do something, at least, before you have something to talk about.


What to say? Well, I could tell you that it's pouring rain outside, which should make my day-late drive to my father's place absolutely delightful.

I could tell you that I'm at work right now, which is why I'm not at my father's place already.

I could tell you that we've been under tornado watch for the past two days. Today? Just the rain so far. Which is good, unless you count in the fact that our sister site is having a public event this weekend.

I could tell you that one of my coworkers has the most I'M A DOG!!! dog I've ever met in my life. This is one dog that just really and totally enjoys being a dog and everything that dogginess brings with it.

I could tell you that in the past few months my workplace has completely gone to the dogs. There's a lot of new-ish puppies happening around here. Good thing I like dogs, I guess.

I could tell you that the problem with working in a building that was designed to take advantage of nature light is that days when the nature light is lacking make the place look fairly damned dismal.

I could tell you that I'm done typing now...

Except that it's easier to just stop typing.

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