Friday 24 June 2011

Long day. But good.

Why yes, anemone, I'm feeling just about that droopy. Spent the day doing programs for a couple of schools in my old home town. I've been on my feet way too long, and I can guarantee you that when I try to get out of bed tomorrow the ankle will not want to work. I'm not looking forward to that part.

Still, though.

It's been an interesting week. Busy, like I said, but it was also a week of unusual feedback. Unusual in that A) I don't generally get quite so much feedback from programs, and B) it was pretty darned positive.

Oh, that last one sounded wrong. I meant to say that the little bit of feedback I usually get is often good, but to get a lot of good feedback at once? Well, it can make a person feel decent about herself.

Now Dee, do you think you can handle that?

Oh yeah. No worries. I'll find something else to be negative about soon enough, so may as well enjoy the I'm good at this moment while I can.

You see, I am good at the job. I've been doing it a long time, I have lots of information to offer, and I'm good at getting it across. I can also think on my feet after all these years, so if things need to change direction they can. All positive things. Like anyone, though, I can find it too easy to get bogged down in the things that I'm NOT good at. Just as an example (and a quick one, because I want to wait at least a weekend before I go back to bogged down), it always seems like people are phoning up the Centre with the one nature question you can't answer. The fact is, there's no way a person can know everything. I know that very well. It still doesn't help the moment of useless you feel when someone stumps you, however. I've been doing this for twenty years -- how could I possibly not know the answer to that one?

Ah well. There'll be time enough for that over the summer, as there always is. For now, though, I would like you all to know that over the past week I've been told I'm
  • A good storyteller (luckily, I was actually telling stories at the time)
  • Very knowledgeable
  • Fun (yes, someone really told me I was fun. Who knew?)
  • Good with the kids
  • Working at a cool job.
And you know what? I am. And it's good to have one of those now I remember why I do this weeks every now and then. Not too often, I suppose, or a person would get full of herself. But, say, once a season?

I'd be totally fine with that.

1 comment:

Juniper said...

Good feedback like that really gives you a boost - unfortunately none of us really get it often enough.

Hold on to that good feeling as long as you can!

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