Thursday 23 June 2011

Well, this has been a week

And it's not even over yet.

Programs and programs, since the teachers are aiming to get their stir-crazy kids out of the classroom for a bit this time of year.

That's a lot of programs for someone who hasn't been sleeping much. Good thing that I've gotten to the point in my career where I have enough stuff stored in my brain that I can usually throw something together even when I can't make myself think. Last night was a bit better on the sleep front, finally, because my brain apparently imploded on itself. Or the gears got completely stuck, or the hamster fell off of the wheel, or something. Whatever it was led to unconsciousness for a few hours, and all I can say is that it's about bloody time.

Tomorrow? Two programs in my old home town, which ought to be interesting since one is for a group I've never programmed before on a trail that I haven't been on in years.

Maybe I should go for a walk tonight?

Ah, we'll see if I have any energy at all for it after the week I've had.

It's been a week, did I mention?

And it's not even over yet...

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