Wednesday 29 June 2011

So. Summer.

Yep, it is.

I wish I could be more enthusiastic about it. As it is at the moment, though, the warm temperatures are making my apartment more than a little unlivable. That in turn makes sleeping pretty darned difficult, which you know isn't great for me at the best of times. Monday night? Didn't sleep. AT ALL. To the point where I had a may-as-well-watch-latenight-television moment, because it was pretty danged obvious that nothing else would be happening anytime soon.

Last night was better, but I'm still dealing with a splitting headache.

And a fairly rotten mood, from the sounds of it.

Ah well, I'll live. It's not exactly the first time that summer's put me in a snit, after all.


One thing that summer definitely does is change my work emphasis. Did my last round of school programs last week, and now it's on to a bit more public programming and working on the weekends. With that comes a bit more of acting like a supervisor, since I actually get to see the weekend staff rather than just communicating with them by memo.

You wouldn't think that a nature centre would get so office-y, but it does have its moments. Thankfully most of the weekend staff also does school programming, so I at least I get to catch up with them that way. At any rate, the next few weeks will consist of me being senior staff around here on Saturdays and Sundays.

So there's that.

There's what, exactly?

There's... that. Things are pretty casual at the Centre so it's not like I have to gear up to pretend to be the boss much, but I'll still be doing a few more boss things than I do for most of the year.

Hopefully I'll be doing a bit more drawing, too, but that really has nothing to do with what I was typing about.

Which probably indicates that my brain is done thinking about what I was typing about, don't you think?

Yeah.  I love it when my posts just completely fizzle out.

Blame summer. I do.

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